Home Patient Guide Does Body Sculpture is for weight loss?

Does Body Sculpture is for weight loss?

A common question in the world of plastic surgeries and the answer is: No.

Because Liposuction and Liposculpture are procedures for body contouring and improving the body's aesthetic shape. As well as to give you a perfect svelte texture.
Weight loss has many techniques and protocols depending on the amount of excess weight, whether Bariatric surgeries, diet or Exercises compliance.

Therefore, liposuction and Liposculpture are suitable for these cases:
-Patient close to the ideal weight or having an increase of up to 30 kilograms.
-Those who suffer from localized lipid accumulation in different parts of the body, not excess fat in the whole body.

In the end, Tagmeel Clinic advises you if you suffer from obesity, to undergo the suitable weight loss for your case before liposuction and body contouring procedures. To get the best results.

To learn more about liposuction and body contouring, click here
